Experience with Railroad Crossing Negligence
The average automobile weighs approximately two tons while a train car can weigh anywhere between 40 and 200 tons. Like roadway accidents involving commercial trucks, any automobile accident involving a train often results in horrific outcomes.
Navigating the legal process can be challenging. Having attorneys experienced in railroad negligence is essential.
Take Advantage of Our Experience
The Nash & Franciskato Law Firm in Kansas City offers you a distinct advantage. Having worked 15 years with two national railroad companies, attorney Dean Nash brings valuable experience in handling litigation involving train accidents and the safety of railroad crossings. Couple that with the legal team’s knowledge about the extensive regulations governing train operation and railroad crossing maintenance and you have the experienced legal team you need.
Highway Rail Grade Crossing Collisions

Railroad Crossing, green light
Highway-rail grade crossing collisions make up the majority of all train-related deaths and occur due to inadequate warnings, malfunctioning or inadequately maintained crossings and guards, negligent train operations, and other safety violations.
A highway-rail grade crossing is where a railway and roadway at the same level intersect. There are more than 200,000 grade crossings in the United States
Railroad Crossing, red light
Grade crossings are equipped either with train-activated “active warning devices” (such as gates and flashing lights) or with “passive warning devices” (such as crossbucks, stop signs, and yield signs).
Since trains require a mile or more to stop, safety at grade crossings is critical.
Need Additional Information?
- According to Federal Railroad Administration statistics collisions and fatalities by state, Missouri is #12 on the list.
- Federal Railway Administration
- Find Blog Articles Related to Railroads
Questions? Our team is here to answer them for you. Contact us at (877) 284-6600.
Investigating Railroad Crossing Train Accidents
When spearheading the investigation of a train-related accident, we need to determine precisely what happened at a railroad crossing. To do this, we examine all aspects of the crossing’s safety. That might include conditions such as:
- Limited sight distances
- Trees and excessive vegetation that can obscure a driver’s visibility
- The lack of properly functioning signals
- Inadequate safety systems at railroad crossings
- Prior accidents at the same crossing
In order to gather all relevant evidence in a railroad crossing accident, our investigators look at the:
- Regulations governing train operation and railroad crossing maintenance
- Information available from electronic tracking systems and cameras on many trains, which may reveal important data on the rate of speed, train crew fatigue or the failure to properly give a warning from the train
- Potential negligence by the company and third parties such as other motorists and pedestrians
- Operational experience of the crew to ensure the train was under control
Injured in a Railroad Crossing Accident? Contact us.
Railroad Crossing Accident Experts Help Build Your Case
Determining whether you have a valid personal injury or wrongful death case after a railroad crossing accident can be a complex endeavor. Oftentimes, these accidents require substantial factual investigation and expert testimony.
When we need experts to build your case, our nationally respected lawyers have access to an extensive network of key experts, including former high-level railroad employees and audiologists able to testify on sound levels and a driver’s ability to hear warnings or other sounds.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Experienced Railroad Crossing Accident Attorneys
Contact our attorneys in Kansas City for a free, no-obligation evaluation of your case. Our compassionate lawyers and staff will listen to you and offer guidance based on your situation.
Contact Us for a Free Review of Your Case
Data source for statistics.