Car accidents can be life-changing events. The emotional distress you feel can lead to avoidance of driving and fear of getting into another accident. You may have trouble sleeping or experience nightmares or flashbacks of the accident, among other things. Sleep disturbances are common after-effects. Coping with anxiety after a car accident takes time and often the help of a professional health care provider. These suggestions and tips can help you get started on your recovery.
Paraquat dichloride, commonly known as “paraquat”, is a popular, fast-acting, non-selective herbicide agent used in the United States. Paraquat is known to be a toxic weed killer that is lethal at low doses, and exposure has been linked to adverse health effects, such as Parkinson’s disease.
Football is a popular but dangerous sport. Players suffer many different types of injuries, from minor sprains to broken bones and more serious conditions including concussions and football-related traumatic brain injuries. Player safety is a major concern at all levels of the game, from high school to college to professional leagues.
Only an estimated 3,000 people are diagnosed with mesothelioma annually in the United States. With a 5-year survival rate, that means that more than 43,000 people worldwide die from it each year. If a loved one or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s time to educate yourself and others on this rare form of cancer.
Sports are great for our children. They teach values, discipline, teamwork, achievement and even how to handle disappointment. However, as parents, coaches and school officials, we need to educate ourselves on how to prevent sports-related head injuries, such as concussions, and to recognize the signs and symptoms.
Two of the most commonly performed surgeries are knee and hip replacements, helping to relieve pain and enabling you to lead a much more active life.