Issues in Aging

Prevent Fall-related Injuries Among Older Adults

Prevent Fall-related Injuries Among Older Adults

Did you know that one in four people age 65 years or older fall each year? Often, these falls result in hip fractures, broken bones and head injuries. Fall-related injuries can also be the start of a more serious health issue that can carry a heavy quality of life impact, such as long-term disabilities that reduce one’s independence. They are also the leading cause of both fatal and nonfatal injuries for this age group.

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Preventing Elder Abuse in Long-Term Care Facilities

Preventing Elder Abuse in Long-Term Care Facilities

There are approximately 52 million people in the U.S. over the age of 65 and that number is expected to increase to 95 million by 2060. As Americans live longer, the need for long-term care facilities and nursing homes grows.  Unfortunately, elder abuse occurs in these types of facilities so preventing elder abuse is a concern for family members and their elderly loved ones.


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Slip and Fall Accidents: Leading Cause of Injury & Death in Elderly

Slip and Fall Accidents: Leading Cause of Injury & Death in Elderly

Slip and fall accidents can happen at any time and any place. Sometimes it is just that, an accident plain and simple. Other times, it may be due to the negligence of another party. Whatever the cause, the elderly – those 65 and older – are at a greater risk to fall and suffer a serious, sometimes life-threatening, injury.

Elderly: 29 million falls. 800,000 hospitalizations. 28,000 deaths. Share on X

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Choosing an Assisted Living Facility

Choosing an Assisted Living Facility

When it comes to the care of our elderly family members, we want to make sure they are well taken care of; however, that does not always mean aging at home. Oftentimes, that may mean moving them to a nursing home or assisted living facility. What do you need to know in choosing an assisted living facility?

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Rights of Nursing Home Residents

Rights of Nursing Home Residents

It’s never an easy decision to put a loved one in a nursing home or other assisted living facility. You want to make sure your elderly parent, grandparent or other loved one receives the best care possible.

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Signs of Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Making the decision to trust the care of an aging loved one to another is an extremely difficult decision. To add to your stress, you hear news stories about the poor treatment of our elderly in nursing homes, ranging from financial exploitation, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse to basic neglect. How do you avoid potential nursing home abuse, ensuring your elderly loved one is safe from all forms of elder abuse?

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Elder Abuse: Violating the Trust

Elder Abuse: Violating the Trust

When you need some sort of assisted care for your elderly parent, grandparent, or other adult, you want the best care possible. You trust that facilities such as nursing homes know how to handle health and hygiene issues and can empathize with loneliness and forgetfulness. It is unthinkable that these facilities may be breeding grounds for elder abuse.

However, elder abuse is a serious issue.

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12 Things You can do to Help Stop Elder Abuse

12 Things You can do to Help Stop Elder Abuse

Today, June 15th, Nash & Franciskato is acknowledging World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It’s unfortunate that we actually have to have a day called World Elder Abuse Awareness Day; however, many of our elderly are in care situations where they suffer abuse and neglect on a daily basis.

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