Many car accidents end up as fender benders, not causing any serious harm to the driver or passengers. But some types of accidents are more deadly than others and do cause life changing, even fatal, outcomes. The most dangerous types of accidents include: head-on collisions, T-Bone accidents, multivehicle pile-ups, rollovers, rear-end accidents, and off the road crashes.
This type of accident really needs no explanation. It happens when one vehicle runs directly into the front of another vehicle that is traveling in the opposite direction. This is the most fatal type of accident since drivers are impacted by the full force of the collision. It is not an accident that typically happens at low speeds; however, even if the vehicles are traveling at a moderate speed of 40 mph, at the time of the crash the impact speed would be 80 mph. Safety habits: Always wear a seat belt and make sure your airbag is functioning properly.
Otherwise known as side impact collisions, T-bone accidents happen when the front of one car hits the side of another in a perpendicular fashion. These types of accidents typically occur in intersections, parking lots and other high traffic areas. They are dangerous because the sides of cars provide much less protection than the front and/or back of the vehicles. There’s really nothing between the driver/passenger and the other vehicle except the door panel. Safety checks: More vehicle manufacturers are installing side impact airbags to reduce fatalities. Check with your dealership on what cars offer this safety feature.
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Car accidents involving one or two vehicles can cause serious injuries, but when the number of vehicles involved goes up, so does the likelihood of life-threatening and fatal injuries. Pile-ups typically result in a chain reaction of vehicles crashing into one another where cars can often be hit multiple times. There are also other hazards occupants need to be concerned about such as flying debris, fires, explosions, etc.
While rollovers can happen to any type of vehicle, some are more prone to rolling over such as SUVs, vans and top-heavy trucks. These types of accidents can happen when making fast, sharp turns or over-correcting to avoid debris in the road. Occupants are tossed throughout the vehicle and can even be thrown out of it. Safety checks: When purchasing a vehicle, talk to your dealer about vehicles with high rollover safety ratings.
Many of these types of accidents truly are fender-benders; however, this type of accident can cause long-term damage to a person’s neck and spine. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries suffered. Safety habits: Be aware of what is going on behind your vehicle. Make sure rear-view mirrors are clear and clean and in the proper position so you can use them properly.
This typically involves a single vehicle veering off the road and crashing into another object such as a telephone pole, guardrail, concrete pylon, etc. These accidents are typically caused by inclement weather, distracted or drunk driving and falling asleep at the wheel. Safety habits: Stay alert to your environment, do not drink and drive or text and drive or do other distracted behaviors.
Every driver has a legal obligation (or “duty of care”) to look out for the safety of other drivers, pedestrians and other individuals. When a driver fails this, negligence has taken place and the at fault party may be held liable for damages and injuries caused.
Having an attorney who is your advocate can offer you peace of mind during your recovery. We have a successful track record of helping accident victims collect the compensation they deserve. Our attorneys can:
Have you or a loved one been seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident in which you suffered serious injuries due to another’s negligence? Call the Kansas City-based law firm of Nash & Franciskato at (877) 284-6600.
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Editor’s Note: This post was reviewed for content and accuracy on August 15, 2015.