Smartphones allow us to be connected all the time no matter where we are, including behind the wheel of a vehicle. This means that far too many drivers have the potential of driving distracted, and the statistics paint an alarming picture, too, with cell phone usage accounting for 14% of fatal driver distracted crashes in 2017.
Further stats show that despite the known dangers, drivers continue to engage in texting and other distracted driving activities that take their attention off the road.
From The Simple Dollar, here is a breakdown of statistics that may just change how you drive while having your smartphone in the car with you.
Texting while driving is a common occurrence across multiple generations. But drivers under the age of 30 are the most guilty of using their cell phone when behind the wheel.
Breakdown by age:
Even though young drivers under the age of 30 are involved in more cell phone related fatal crashes than any other generation, they are also the most resistant to change. A 2016 AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study shows that drivers aged 19 to 24 are less likely to support any laws that make distracted driving illegal.
The same study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows that millennials take more risks than any other generation of drivers. In the study, millennials were asked about their driving habits in the past 30 days. 88% admitted to texting while driving, making them the worst drivers in the U.S.
When it comes to texting while driving based on gender, women are more likely to focus on safe driving than men. In fact, according to data from 2015, 81% of female drivers never send email or text when behind the wheel.
Other interesting statistics on distracted driving by gender:
Only 9% of women will read an email or text when driving, compared to 13% of men.
74% of women will likely intervene when in the vehicle with an emailing or texting driver. Only 71% of men will speak up.
Even knowing the dangers, risks, and laws against it, people continue to drive and use their phone at the same time. But if texting doubles the chances of being involved in an accident, what is so important that so many people are doing it?
These are some of the reasons drivers text:
Statistics show that texting drivers believe their driving ability is not affected by texting, with 31% saying there is no difference in their performance behind the wheel. However, when it comes to being in a vehicle with a texting driver, 86% said they would feel unsafe.
Using your phone while driving is an avoidable distraction. Use these tips to stay safe:
Statistics on cell phone and texting distractions are startlingly high. With the information and statistics here, you can make the right decision when driving to put away your phone and focus on the road in front of you.
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