Safety for the 4th of July
Fourth of July brings to mind family gatherings, BBQs, fireworks and lots of fun. While injuries are commonplace during this holiday, they can easily be prevented, too.
4th of July Safety Tips
If you don’t take an approach to safety, fireworks can result in burns, scars, loss of limbs or digits and more.
- First and foremost, obey state and local laws.
- Fireworks are meant to be outside fun; don’t use them indoors.
- If you have a dud, just put it in a bucket of water; never try to re-light.
- Always put used fireworks in a pail of water and be sure to have a hose nearby in case of flames.
- NEVER point or throw fireworks at other people, animals, houses, or other nearby buildings.
- Keep flammable items away from fireworks, firework staging areas and the grill, too.
Grilling and having a BBQ is a great way to feed a bunch. This, too, can lead to burns, scars and other injuries if left unattended. Keep your 4th of July activities safe:
- If you have a gas grill, be sure there are no leaks. You’ll also want to store propane tanks upright and in a cool location.
- Again, keep flammable items away from the grill area.
- Remember, “too many cooks in the kitchen” or around the grill can lead to accidents.
Swimming is always a fun activity for the kids during this holiday. Keeping safety rules in mind will help avoid slip and fall or head injuries, accidental drownings or other injuries.
- Know swimming pool risks, safety, and liability.
- Keep the pool properly maintained (if yours) or ensure you are aware of the community or public pool’s maintenance tasks.
- Never leave small children unattended. Know where they are in a house with a pool — children can easily slip away and make their way to the pool area.
- Have safety rules to address diving, horseplay, running, etc., and safety fencing of at least four feet in height.
If adults are drinking alcohol, keep them and others on the road safe. A few safety precautions for your 4th of July festivities can keep drunk driving accidents from occurring.
- Find out if there are any Safe Ride programs on the 4th of July holiday that may pick up and drive intoxicated guests home, or offer to call a cab.
- Take your guests’ keys as they arrive. When they are ready to leave, find out who was designated the driver and their sobriety level.
- As the host, be sure you are aware of dram shop laws and your potential liability should an injury occur on premises, after an intoxicated guest leaves or a minor consumes alcohol.
Parties and Premises Liability
Hosts and homeowners where a 4th of July party is taking place should be aware of premises liability laws, which are the set of laws used to determine who is liable when a particular condition or use of a building, land, or other premises causes an injury. They could be held responsible for injuries that occur on their premise.
At Nash & Franciskato, we want you, your family and your friends to have a fun AND safe 4th of July holiday.
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