The time to think about fire prevention safety is always; but especially as the weather starts to cool down and the time to turn on your home heating equipment arrives. Whether you use a home heating unit, some sort of portable device or a wood-burning or gas fireplace, all can lead to fires in the home if not properly installed, maintained, and operated. Implementing fire prevention safety measures can keep you and your family safe.
Did you know … Half of home heating fires are reported during the months of December, January, and February.
According to the National Fire Protection Association, heating is the second leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries, and the third leading cause of home fire deaths.
Use the following list as a fire prevention and home safety checklist.
The National Fire Protection Association reports that:
Smoke alarms are a critical part of fire prevention and safety in the home giving you an early warning so you and your family can get outside quickly.
Be sure to install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of your home, including the basement.
No matter the fire safety precautions you put in place, there is always the potential of someone suffering a burn injury. First-degree burns can be extremely painful and third degree can be life threatening. If you or a family member suffers a burn whether from a fire or other hot appliances, you need to seek medical attention immediately.
Have you suffered a serious burn or other injuries due to defective or malfunctioning heating equipment? Contact us at (877) 284-6600.
When you are seriously injured in an accident, you need an experienced personal injury attorney who will collect all the facts about what happened, assess your injuries and answer questions about your concerns.
Call us at (877) 284-6600 or contact our office online. We have a successful track record of helping accident victims collect the compensation they deserve. One of our experienced staff will speak with you personally and will provide you with a free, no-obligation review of your case.
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When you need a personal injury lawyer in the Kansas City area, contact the lawyers at Nash & Franciskato for assistance.
Past results afford no guarantee of future results and each case is different and is judged on its own merits. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published October 11, 2016. It was reviewed on September 5, 2022, updated for content and accuracy, and re-published on September 7, 2022.