AAJ’s Distinguished Service Award

AAJ Annual Convention

Distinguished Service Award Brian FranciskatoFor the second year, attorney Brian Franciskato received the American Association of Justice’s Distinguished Service Award at the 2022 AAJ Annual Convention in Seattle, WA, held in July. The AAJ promotes justice and fairness for injured persons, safeguards victims’ rights and strengthens the civil justice system. The Distinguished Service Award recognizes members of the AAJ’s Board of Governors who, during the past year, have been of special assistance to the President of the Association.

Evergreen Fund promotes justiceAdditionally, for the second year in a row, the Nash & Franciskato Law Firm was recognized for its contribution to the Evergreen Fund. The Evergreen Fund is a way for AAJ Members to support the organization’s continued growth and strength. Launched in 2013, and since its inception, this program has been crucial to raising funds to protect the civil justice system for our clients.


A member of the AAJ for the majority of his career, Brian will continue to work for the organization in the upcoming year serving on two new committees:

  • Voter Protection Action Committee (VPAC). This committee is charged with helping protect individuals’ right to vote. The right to vote is a fundamental part of any democracy. VPAC coordinates with national and state organizations to connect lawyers, paralegals, and law students to nonpartisan and partisan volunteer opportunities to ensure access to the ballot box and protect voters’ constitutional rights.
  • President’s Task Force Regarding Non-Lawyer Owned Law Firms. This committee is charged with evaluating the ethical considerations regarding new State rules that allow non-lawyers to have an ownership interest in law firms. Until recently, most Bar Associations prohibited non-lawyers from having any ownership interest in law firms. A trend is beginning to emerge where some states are allowing non-lawyers ownership interest.

AAJ Annual Convention safeguards victims' rightsBrian will also continue to work on the following committees:

  • The Committee on the Judiciary. This committee is charged with helping identify potential federal judicial candidates who are qualified, compassionate, and who believe in the right to a jury trial.
  • The Membership Oversight Committee. This committee is charged with ensuring the growth of the organization through retention and recruitment efforts.
  • Trial Lawyers Care Committee (TLC). TLC is an initiative to encourage, recognize, and organize trial lawyers who contribute to their communities through volunteer and charitable activities that serve the public good.
  • Public Affairs Committee. This committee advises the AAJ executive committee and BOG on policy options, tactics, and strategies concerning issues of concern to trial lawyers pending before the US Congress, executive branch, and federal agencies.
  • Products Liability Section Executive Committee. The Products Liability Section concentrates on all consumer products, including automobiles, toys, and electronics. The Section addresses legislation and cases affecting product liability laws, safety rules, and regulations.


Brian Franciskato Evergreen Fund distinguished service award

Dean Nash, Brian Franciskato and Randy James bring over 80 years of combined legal experience helping clients. They have gained local and national recognition and are routinely asked by other attorneys to act as lead counsel or co-counsel in complex cases against some of the world’s largest corporations. If you’ve been seriously injured in an accident and need a personal injury lawyer, contact the team at Nash & Franciskato for a no-obligation, free review of your situation at (877) 284-6600CONTACT US 

Past results afford no guarantee of future results and each case is different and is judged on its own merits. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. 

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