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(816) 496-4868

Dram Shop Law & Liquor Liability

Over $100,000,000 won in dram shop and liquor liability cases. Our lawyers in Kansas City ask the tough questions, such as how the establishment trained its bartenders to spot an intoxicated patron, find out if a patron is driving or determine when enough is enough.

Receive A Free Consultation

If you have been involved in a drunk driving accident where the driver got drunk at a bar, you may have a third party dram shop case. Please call us at (816) 496-4868 or complete and submit this brief e-mail form.

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Dram Shop Law Offers Relief to Victims of Drunk Drivers

Dram shop laws allow the victims of drunk drivers to sue the bar or tavern, where the driver became inebriated, for monetary damages. These laws hold the owners of the business selling the alcohol legally responsible for what their customers do after they have been drinking.

That means, for example: “John” causes an accident after he leaves the bar where he became intoxicated. The bar owner, who is required by law to ensure patrons do not overdrink, could be held liable along with John, the drunk driver, for injuries sustained in the accident. Dram Shop obligates the establishment to stop a clearly intoxicated patron from drinking more.

Dram Shop involves:

  • Over serving alcohol by bars, taverns, restaurants and other establishments
  • Illegally serving alcohol to minors