The school year is wrapping up. Warmer weather is here. And the time for swim play has arrived. Your kids will soon be begging to go to the pool.
Unfortunately, that day of fun can turn scary quickly if safety measures aren’t in place. Safety is not just about behavior and actions, but also supervision and maintenance of the pool.
So, what do you need to know before they head out for a day of fun in the water?
The biggest concern and risk is that of drowning. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Every day, about ten people die from unintentional drowning. Of these, two are children aged 14 or younger. Drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States.”
Whether the pool is at a best friend’s house or is a community or public pool such as a recreation center, take some swimming pool safety measures.
Unfortunately, tragedy can happen anywhere and at any time. “A child can drown in less than five minutes. It takes only two inches of water and it can happen in complete silence.”
Many swimming pool accidents happen because pool owners haven’t complied with all the standards for construction, maintenance, and supervision of the pool.
Under premises liability, a pool’s owner could be held liable due to negligence or failing to take proper precautions. Stated broadly, a pool owner’s duty is to make the pool reasonably safe for anticipated use. For instance:
Bottom line, know the risks and be sure to take safety precautions before hitting the swimming pool.
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Swimming pool accidents: In the blink of an eye, tragedy can strike
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